Can You Trust Yourself? (FutureSYNC Intl. Consultants, 2016)
Have you ever trusted someone at work that others didn’t trust? How about NOT trusting someone that others DO trust? Workplace trust is one of the largest culture builders or killers. You might be surprised to know that the right question to ask is, can I trust myself?
Here are some important things to know about trust:
1. You cannot demand trust.
2. You cannot give trust.
3. Trust does not usually happen by accident.
4. A position title or level of leadership does not give you workplace trust.
5. Trust has much to do with the relationship.
6. Trust is a feeling.
Many times trust is built upon how we feel at the moment. Our feelings are defined and guided by what we believe we are experiencing. This means that it is actually our interpretations of our experiences that create feelings. So consider asking yourself: Are my interpretations of an event, interaction or another person’s actions correct? Are my feelings truly rooted in facts? Are my thoughts valid or just validated by others that are building the same story that I am? Can I trust myself?
Powerful reminder: The phrase “hindsight is 20/20” comes from interpreting a situation and allowing that interpretation to inform your judgment, just to find out that later that the judgment was wrong. How often do you find yourself misinformed about a person or scenario? It is always good to evaluate your perspective and judgments. Can you trust yourself? Take time to investigate this one!
Learn to trust yourself and begin informing your judgments well by using these five (5) steps:
1 Slow it down.
2 See and define clearly what is happening.
3 Eliminate assumptions.
4 Be honest about your own intentions.
5 Ask yourself, “What don’t I know?”