Are You Hiring the Right Mindset? (Wendy Samson and Curt Swenson, 2016)
Dweck’s (2006) research on Fixed and Growth Mindsets spells out the notion that people arrive at the interview table with a predisposition to either be limited or limitless. FutureSYNC International suggests that employers develop interview questions that can, right from the get go, help to determine the mindset of their candidates, thereby helping the organization to place people well. In other words, those with jobs requiring critical thinking, creativity and innovation will require a Growth Mindset, while tasks that require concrete problem-solving, repetition and routine will work for those with a Fixed Mindset.
Many professionals have been following psychologist, professor and author, Carol S. Dweck’s work on Fixed and Growth Mindsets. In fact, her 2006 book entitled Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, has helped individuals, employers and educators put words to the behaviors they see every day. The following short descriptors of both types of mindsets, can be found on the website:
Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset
Leads to a desire to look smart Leads to a desire to learn
and therefore a tendency to… and therefore a tendency to…
Avoid challenges Embrace challenges
Faced with obstacles, give up easily Faced with obstacles, persist in the face of setbacks
See effort as fruitless or worse See effort as the path to mastery
Ignore useful, negative feedback Learn from criticism
Feel threatened by success of others Find inspiration in the success of others
As a result, they may plateau early As a result, they reach ever-higher levels
and achieve less than their full potential of achievement
All of this confirms a deterministic All of this gives them a greater sense
view of the world of free will
If these concepts resonate with you and your organization, the next step you can make is to connect with FutureSYNC International to help you develop specific interview questions and scenarios that both fit your organization and help you determine mindsets during interviews. By having a greater understanding of those you are hiring, your organization will be able to place people in their “tail-wagging” positions. With good placement comes consistent employee engagement, resulting in better bottom line outcomes for your business.