Future SYNC consultants September 2017
Abby Carroll, Assessment Logistics Manager at FutureSYNC , has an incredible internal compass. That compass points to her high standards of professionalism, excellence, accountability, and her hand-crafted maturity. She is the rare and exceptional person that can truly lead herself. Abby lets her internal compass guide her to owning & solving problems everyday. Because she relies on finding her own purpose-driven direction, she is not thrown off course by external red herrings.
These false trails are everywhere in the world of work. When you are driven and engaged by external purposes, you can find yourself running down one of these false paths towards an undesirable end product.
When you act with an internal locus of control, you get to forge a path towards your own goals and are ultimately put in control of your outcomes. Abby Carroll is that type of person. Her character is her compass, and it has led her to success. She is able to lead herself, create her path, and produce excellent outcomes. She is thriving in her role. She is a powerful force on the FutureSYNC team because, as Booker T. Washington once said, “Character is power.”