What does it mean to be cautiously fearless? How are the leadership traits of risk-taking and good judgment inextricably linked in successful organizations?
FutureSYNC International provides leadership seminars that give leaders time and space to explore these questions and to shape their decision-making matrices. Consider the following questions as decision-making prompts that allow for the development of new ideas and opportunities and take into consideration the value of pragmatic alignment.
1) Is this decision within your budgeting authority?
2) Will it have systemic impact outside of your area?
3) Is the decision behaviorally and conceptually aligned with your written core values?
4) Have you explored the unintended consequences?
5) Who are the key people outside of your area that you need to debrief?
6) Is there a clear line-of-sight between this decision and the objectives outlined in your strategic plan?
7) Does the decision support and strengthen your Mission and Vision?
8) What is the specific impact on employee engagement levels?
9) What is your five (5) point internal communication plan?
10) Are you sure you want to read about this decision in the newspaper tomorrow?
For information on Executive Intelligence and Meaningful Influence seminars provided by FutureSYNC International, contact info@future-sync.com.