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Signs You Should Retire


Signs You Should Retire (Wendy Samson, Curt Swenson, 2017)

In a recent trip to visit family, a group of us “50+” professionals discussed whether we were ready for retirement. The discussion led to some interesting realizations!  First of all, we acknowledged that  hardworking people, who love productivity and the idea of contribution are often the most confused about when to retire. In fact, they are the ones that sometimes continue to work past the point of efficacy, because they are so invested in their career or their business and have simply developed a life-long routine of rigor and regimen. These people are to be admired! However, there is an optimal time to let go and develop new patterns of living. Those who do, claim that they are healthier, happier and are still extremely contributive in their communities. Here are some of the signs….

Interestingly the signs for when you are ready to retire are not solely based upon your financial portfolio. More often they are about employee engagement and relevancy.

  1. It becomes harder and harder to leave your morning coffee and you begin to resent the intrusion.
  2. You begin to feel anxious and worried on Sunday evenings, even though you are headed into a typical day.
  3. You are less curious about new techniques, strategies or aspects of your work.
  4. You begin to tell people how long you have been “at this” during most conversations.
  5. You resent having to report or ask for time off.
  6. You feel envious of your friends who have retired before you.
  7. You stop learning your new employees’ names.
  8. You become less willing to take on new projects, knowing that you may be self-sabotaging.

If you are feeling and experiencing even half of these behaviors, you may want to have a discussion with your financial advisor and begin the process. Leave your work while you are still relevant and at your peak. You will leave an legacy and can begin a vital and productive retirement phase of life.